Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Largest MNC's

Company Type Market Value ($Billions)
1)HSBC Holdings -Banking- 180.81
2)General Electric -Conglomerate- 330.93
3)Bank of America -Banking- 176.53
4)JPMorgan Chase -Banking- 136.88
5)ExxonMobil -Oil & Gas- 465.51
6)Royal Dutch Shell -Oil & Gas- 221.09
7)BP -Oil & Gas- 204.94
8)Toyota Motor -Consumer Durables- 175.08
9)ING Group -Insurance- 75.78
10)Berkshire Hathaway -Diverse Financials- 216.65

Of the top ten 5 are USA, 2 are Netherlands, 2 are UK and 1 is Japan. The Market value is not the only thing, there are also Sales, Profits and Assets. Canada’s first is RBC at 55th highest.

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